Catarina Jostéus – dive enthusiast

Who is Catarina?

I'm a girl from the Värmland forests who now lives in Gothenburg and I just love staying under the surface. I have over 1000 logged dives, and believe it or not they are all logged on paper. I did my first dive in May 2008, at Släggö in Lysekil, with Oxygene diving from Gothenburg. I still remember it. It was 6 degrees in the water when we had to do all the exercises, cooling to say the least.

Despite this chilly start, cold water diving is my thing. I prefer diving at home in Sweden and especially here on the west coast, two other favorite places to visit are Norway and Canada.

I usually say that diving for me is like yoga for others. When you get below the surface, you are there and then, all other distractions disappear and my entire focus is on what is in front of me and all the impressions it gives me.

I constantly want to explore more environments, and develop myself as a diver. Above all, become a safer diver with more control over my performance so I can put more energy into the underwater world.

My interest in the sport of diving extends further than my personal practice, as for some years now I have been involved in the Swedish Sports Diving Association and their important work, my current area of ​​responsibility is chairman of the election committee. I have also been chairman of GVSDK (Götaverken's sports diving club) for six years.

In the summers you will find me on the Väderöarna, with Dyk-Leif. I have been working there since 2015/2016 helping divers get the most out of their stay at sea, a fantastic privilege to work with their passion. I am very service-oriented and find it incredibly inspiring to help others experience the world that I love so much.

When I'm not diving, I tend to put my energy and time into training, where football and handball are close to my heart. As you understand, training and health care are a large part of my life and most of my work at Angeredsgymnasiet is precisely about awakening the same passion that I feel in my young people.

Scubatravel always offers a comprehensive solution that extends from start to finish, where you take a great deal of professional and human responsibility for everything that happens even outside the diving itself.

Catarina's upcoming group trips:

  • Newfoundland Canada - July 2020