Environmental commitment, climate neutral, climate compensated
Our environmental commitment has meant that we have chosen a climate-neutral internal work since 2017 and we have climate-compensated all our customers' international flights since 2019.
We at Scuba Travel, like all companies in Intoit Travel Group does not leave it up to you and all customers to take responsibility for the climate and environment. When you as a customer buy a trip, event or other service from a company in the Intoit Travel Group, climate compensation is always included in the price.
Our environmental work is about taking long-term responsibility in our daily work, in both environmental and social issues, but also to support projects in the areas we work with. Our main focus is to offset the CO2 that our companies and their operations give rise to. We do this by climate compensating not only all air travel but also for the CO2 that hotels, land transport and meals give rise to.
Scuba Travel - Climate Neutral Company
Internally at Scuba Travel, all activities that employees do in the company in the form of business trips, consumption of materials, electricity and heating in the office are fully climate-compensated from 2017. The climate compensation is done in collaboration with South Pole and the projects we support are the Paradigm project in Kenya and REDD+ Forest Protection in Zimbabwe. These projects are close to our hearts, so please read more about them below!
Our projects
The Paradigm Project enables the distribution of 1000s of efficient wood stoves and clean water technology to various Kenyan communities. Families now need less wood fuel for cooking and water supply, and the stress on the surrounding forests is reduced. Replacing traditional hotplates with locally made, efficient stoves reduces fuel use by around 50% and reduces toxic emissions by up to 70%. By distributing these modern stoves, the Paradigm project generates household savings of around 15% – money that instead goes to food, school fees and other necessities. The project also promotes increased health through improved indoor air quality, which significantly reduces the number of cases of respiratory diseases and pneumonia. Safe water filters and public water dispensers also help prevent waterborne diseases. Finally, the Paradigm project also creates employment opportunities and economic gains, not least for women who save a lot of time that would otherwise be spent collecting firewood.
REDD+ stands for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation, which includes reduced deforestation and degradation of forests, conservation of forests as well as conservation and increased storage of carbon in forests. The Kariba REDD+ project involves conserving approximately 785 hectares of forest and wildlife. The area is located on the southern shore of Lake Kariba, close to the border between Zimbabwe and Zambia. The project connects four different national parks and eight safari reserves, which provides protection to several endangered species such as elephant, lion and hippopotamus. This project is community-based and administered by four different rural districts. The districts work actively to improve the living conditions for the residents of the districts by, among other things, building new, better roads and developing health clinics, as well as ensuring that more people have access to clean water. The project is certified by VCS, CCBA.

Scuba Travel is a partner company of WWF
Our support contributes to WWF continuing its work to preserve biological diversity, reduce pollution and unsustainable consumption, and work for the sustainable use of renewable natural resources. Read more here about how you can also become a friend of WWF.

Scuba Travel's Mission 2020 pledge
2030 Agenda
Agenda 2030 consists of 17 global goals. The goals must contribute to sustainable development that aims to
eradicate poverty, stop climate change and create peaceful and secure societies. Read more here.